
Blendle's Employee Handbook


Everything related to working at Blendle and the people of Blendle, made public.

This is a living document with everything we've learned working with people while running a startup. And, of course, we continue to learn. Therefore it's a document that will continue to change.

We've made this document public because we want to learn from you. We're very much interested in your feedback (including weeding out typo's and Dunglish ;)). Email us at hr@blendle.com. If you're starting your own company or if you're curious as to how we do things at Blendle, we hope that our employee handbook inspires you.

If you want to work at Blendle you can check our job ads here. If you want to be kept in the loop about Blendle, you can sign up for our behind the scenes newsletter.