



NameFormatKey PointsSteps

You only have 2-3 years to get out there and sell or you'll die

You need to have everyone involved during the early sales process

You don't need to build things in order to validate it

Your mom is lying to you! How do you find out the truth?

Airbnb examples of staying close to early adopters

Don't think you know an industry that you don't

You should like your customers and want to help them

Goes through 3 good techniques with great examples when doing user testing

Better to do it as a group

Goes through all the basics

Goes through the importance of silence with both good and bad examples

Lots of good points covered really fast

Designed especially for DTC brands ~$5M to +$15M: (V x CR x LTV) - VC = $

Masterclass on nailing your pitch

Explains the gap between MVP with early adopters and minimal viable revenue (break-even) and then minimal viable traction where things start to take off

Practical "how-to" level to improve sales performance, from lead prospecting to close.

Marketing through your audienceโ€™s existing sources of influence. It works!

This is a full course on blogging for business to drive customers

Goes through the whole traction process quickly

You need to experiment in order to figure out what channel is going to give you traction

You need to pour customers into the top of the funnel

5 great tips on online advertising

Simple definition of viral marketing and why the product is king

Test validates the channel, focusing on the channel is learning more and implementing the learnings

You need to observe what people are actually doing (toothbrush story)

Goes through the main points of journey mapping

Goes through the famous milkshake example and explains Jobs to be done

Some cognitive distortions to be aware of as a founder

"I really wish founders went in with the mindset of, 'I don't care if it takes two years to work'. How do you set your mind up so that you are not immediately disappointedโ€

Founding teams outperform solo founders

We will do our best to avoid founder drama

Being objective is very difficult

Growth mindset engages with failure in order to improve

โ€ข Identify indicators of a success in relation to change โ€ข Identify importance of self-awareness and emotional intelligence โ€ข Activate new ways of thinking about success and how to measure success

โ€ข Identify indicators of a studentโ€™s success in relation to change โ€ข Identify the importance of self-awareness and emotional intelligence โ€ข Activate new ways of thinking about success and how to measure success

Startups tackling a mission first

If you have ever wondered what Design Thinking, the Business Model Canvas, Agile, Lean Startup and an MVP is, this session is a great icebreaker.

Want to solve a big problem but donโ€™t know where to start? Got a great idea but canโ€™t find the time?

How to build a business with a passionate community around it.

Figure out what kind of business you want to make so that you can move in that direction

How to validate the idea youโ€™ve identified as a problem and develop a hypothesis of the solution.

Uses the analogy of rocks to make the point of getting specific about your persona and not getting caught up in meaningless demographics

Goes through the need of having a specific user description

When and why to use A/B testing

Best source of growth was word of mouth

Surveys are very ineffective if done poorly, here is how to do it right

Talks to marketing experimentation as well as explaining CPA and LTV really well

The feedback; 'Not yet', tells people they are on a learning journey that they can make

Success does not make mental well-being

There is no recipe for learning, no 'one size fits all' (10,000 hours is not true) therefore we need to be personalising education

Great talk about feeling out of your depth by Mike Cannon-Brookes

โ€œIt is the โ€˜golden ruleโ€™ applied to leadership,โ€ Dholakia says. โ€œTry to be the kind of leader that you would want to work for.โ€

A good business argument follows this structure

Knowledge does not equal change

Basic definitions for autonomy, competence and relatedness

Two systems in our brains: rational (slow) and emotional (fast)

You need to market to each group differently with different channels

Observation as the starting point for innovation

Damian Holz goes through the process of innovating with design thinking and Jobs to be Done

Great examples about when to use closed and open questions

Finding unmet needs through engaging with and observing patients, family, doctors, etc.

Judging new ideas should start by brainstorming yourself about something unrelated

Don't be secretive about ideas, they will die if you do

How do you teach people to see the world as full of opportunities not problems

Turn ideas into action

Talks through learning by paying attention to what is around you

Goes through the startup stories of Canva, SafetyCulture and VinoMofo

Combine and share ideas to make them better

Brainstorming is just a component of ideation but the skill needs work

Use stuff (tangibles) they help (1) energise the group, (2) reduce distractions, (3) help to understand value

Goes through the 5 stages of a solution interview with a good examples

Goes through what personas are and why and when to use them (after interviews)

Customers don't have the answers but you can learn from watching them

You are lucky if someone looks at your business and gives you advice

Goes through the creation of a digital prototype build from a paper prototype

Keep all prototypes and keep it out in the open and engage with it

Goes through some of the potential platforms to use for the coding prototypes

Do not build something if you do not know who the users are

Share prototypes early and often

Design thinking is both a process and a mindset

Valuable insights into how to put together your pitch deck with evaluations

Deciding what metrics startups should follow and how. Best suited to post-launch startups, pre-seed and seed stage

In this beginnerโ€™s guide to term sheets you will see what a term sheet is, what its role is in the investment process, why you should be using term sheets and how they can be effectively utilised. Youโ€™ll also learn some common terms and clauses and why they're included, and term sheets for different situations.

A detailed guide to the best practices of winning government tenders

Talks through the use of titles, hiring and onboarding

Great detailed overview of the whole capital raising space from a US perspective

Cover the problem, solution, market potential, founding team

Hiring is the single most important people function

Demystifies the term sheet, giving a brief tutorial

Most things don't scale, as a business grows you need to reinvent things anyway

Goes through all the types of IP in a simple fun way

Beginners guide to financial modelling, learn what investors are looking for in a financial model

A great product does not equal large scale growth

Definitions and explanation of fixed and variable costs

Debt and equity simple definitions and the purpose to put cash into the business

Don't think of price being equal to cost plus a margin

Cash is life. Growth eats cash

The value of your business = the future cash glow +/- the buyers aversion to loss

Contribution and breakeven definition and example

The role of design thinking in creativity and innovation

The University of Queensland

The Business Model Canvas

The University of Queensland

Design Thinking - What is it?

The University of Queensland

Entrepreneurship for Australian career advisers

Murray Hurps, UTS

Queensland University of Technology

How do we embed entrepreneur training in high school curriculum?

Global Entrepreneurship Network

How can you start being an entrepreneur?

Murray Hurps, UTS

How to provide good careers education with a focus on enterprise skills for young people.

Princes Trust Australia

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Tools for design thinking

The University of Queensland

The Value Proposition Canvas

The University of Queensland

Part 1: Connecting high school entrepreneurs to real world opportunities

Global Entrepreneurship Network

Young Startup

Damien Meunier

The Entrepreneurship Landscape Across Australia for K-12 Schools | Find My Spark 2020

Spark Festival

Spark Festival Find My Spark 2020

Spark Festival

Entrepreneurship is about ethical and sustainable thinking

European Commission's - Joint Research Centre's: Science and Knowledge Hub

Entrepreneurship is about vision

European Commission's - Joint Research Centre's: Science and Knowledge Hub

Entrepreneurship is about valuing ideas

European Commission's - Joint Research Centre's: Science and Knowledge Hub

What is Entrepreneurship?

Murray Hurps, UTS

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Entrepreneurship is about creativity

European Commission's - Joint Research Centre's: Science and Knowledge Hub

Part 2: Australian high school entrepreneur inspiration from a Slack community

Global Entrepreneurship Network

What's so great about being an Entrepreneur?

Murray Hurps, UTS

Entrepreneurship is about spotting opportunities

European Commission's - Joint Research Centre's: Science and Knowledge Hub

Why Does Australia Need More Entrepreneurs?

Murray Hurps, UTS

Entrepreneurship is about self-awareness and self-efficacy

European Commission's - Joint Research Centre's: Science and Knowledge Hub

Student Pitch examples

Future Anything

Business model breakdown of a Youtuber.

Worked example showing how the BMC applies to social enterprise Lotus.Eco

Video that explain the SCAMPEr technique by referencing Uber.

Simple rules to level up your brainstorming game.

An animated series exploring the process of a startup, idea to business. By Strategyzer and the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation

6min video explaining how to create a Customer Persona using an Empathy Map.

A YouTube series where entrepreneurs have an elevator ride to pitch their ideas. Great for analysing pitch techniques.

Animated video explaining the 5 stages of the DT process. Created by Invision

Animated video explaining what an entrepreneur is. Created by BGC Canada

Pitchfest is an opportunity for kids to pitch their business or charity ideas to a panel of entrepreneurs and business people. The aim of Pitchfest is to help kids realise their potential and inspire other kids to feel confident in their abilities, to be creative and feel empowered to bring an idea to life.

Pitchfest is an opportunity for kids to pitch their business or charity ideas to a panel of entrepreneurs and business people. The aim of Pitchfest is to help kids realise their potential and inspire other kids to feel confident in their abilities, to be creative and feel empowered to bring an idea to life.

Pitchfest gives kids an opportunity to pitch their charity or business ideas to a panel of entrepreneurs and business people. The aim of Pitchfest is to help kids realise their potential and inspire other kids to feel confident in their abilities, to be creative and feel empowered to bring an idea to life.

Pitchfest gives kids an opportunity to pitch their charity or business ideas to a panel of leading entrepreneurs and business people from around the world. The aim of Pitchfest is to help kids realise their potential and inspire other kids to feel confident in their abilities, to be creative and feel empowered to bring an idea to life.

Pitchfest gives kids an opportunity to pitch their charity or business ideas to a panel of entrepreneurs and business people. The aim of Pitchfest is to help kids realise their potential and inspire other kids to feel confident in their abilities, to be creative and feel empowered to bring an idea to life.

Pitchfest is an online production and entrepreneurial program giving kids an opportunity to pitch their charity and business ideas to a panel of leading entrepreneurs and business people from around the world. The aim of Pitchfest is to help kids realise their potential and inspire other kids to feel confident in their abilities, to be creative and feel empowered to bring an idea to life.

A documentary about young web entrepreneurs in the U.S. and Europe. It contains interviews with the founders of Vimeo, Soundcloud, Kiip, InDinero, Dropbox, Foodspotting and many others who talk about how they started their company and their lives as an entrepreneur.

A short video in which Eric Ries discusses how to go about testing before a product is created.

How to define a market segment as a group of people who have in common a role inside a context and they are facing the same problem that triggers a specific emotion.

Farmers are entrepreneurs and innovators who use their initiative to solve problems daily.

How can universities better support the transition between graduation and higher education so that more young people are prepared to apply an entrepreneurial approach to future challenges?

How to embed sustainable and scalable change into schools and school systems